Test & Verification – Facilities and Services

Test & Verification Services

Our facility in Laksevåg, Bergen, facilities an unique selections of pressure vessels to undertake hyperbaric pressure testing.

­For all the chambers, testing can be performed using either gas or liquid as pressure medium. The tests can be monitored over internet on client request.

­Our chambers varies from 8 to 50 000 litres and we have the ability to test the equipment up to 1000 bar – equivalent to 10 000 meter depth at sea.

­Our personnel has participated in development of national and international test procedures and have conducted  technical testing for the last 40 years. We conduct a wide range of test and verification services.

  • Loss of buoyancy testing

  • Evaluates the buoyancy loss in materials or structures under high pressure. Important for ensuring the stability of submersible equipment in deep water.
  • Collapse testing

  • Tests the structural integrity of components by applying extreme pressure until failure, ensuring safety margins for subsea installations.
  • Cable insulation testing

  • Verifies the integrity of electrical cable insulation under pressure, crucial for subsea power transmission.
  • Function testing in hyperbaric environment

  • Tests the functionality of devices or systems in simulated deep-sea conditions to ensure operational reliabilit
  • Rapid pressure transients test

  • Assesses how equipment withstands sudden changes in pressure, simulating emergency or dynamic operational conditions.
  • Cost effective

  • Hyperbaric pressure testing at NUI is a cost effective way to ensure safety, durability, and functionality of equipment used in deep-sea or high-pressure environments.

Test Facilities

  • Asterix 1000 bar

    • Length 3500 mm
    • ID 1100 mm
    • Vol 3,3 m3
    • Vertical chamber
    • Max pressure 1000 bar

    Test medium: liquid and gas

    For more information, download datasheet from here: Asterix datasheet

  • Obelix 700 bar

    • Length 3500 mm
    • ID 1800 mm
    • Vol 8,9 m3
    • Vertical chamber
    • Max pressure 700 bar

    Test medium: liquid and gas

    For more information ,download datasheet from here: Obelix datasheet

  • DDC4 65 bar

    • Lenght 7130 mm
    • ID 3000 mm
    • Vol 50 m3
    • Max pressure 65 bar
    • Live camera view from inside the chamber
    • Lights inside the chamber


Kim Løseth

Manager Test & Analysis

Email: kil@nui.no

Reference to applicable standards:
EN 33-226 annex 7 , API 17F, API 17D, ISO 13628-6, ISO 13628-4


    • Length 650 mm
    • ID 500 mm
    • Vol 0,13 m3
    • Horizontal chamber
    • Max pressure 150 bar

    Set up for gas testing


    • Length 1100 mm
    • ID 900 mm
    • Vol 0,9 m3
    • Horizontal chamber
    • Max pressure 60 bar

    Set up as test lab for breathing equipment. Gas, fresh water, sea water. heated and cooled

  • CHAMBER 10

    • Lenght 350 mm
    • ID 170 mm
    • Vol 0,008 m3
    • Opening 170 mm
    • Max pressure 150 bar

This animation visualises our efficient operation while doing an hyperbaric test. Our facility is designed purposedly for testing.

In-door testpool

At our facility we can offer a temperature controlled training and test pool (7mx5mx3,5m) with:

  • 12t crane for ROV or equipment launch into pool.
  • Inspection windows allowing personnel to observe the operation.
  • Diving stations that includes hot water, gas and communications. Direct visual observation for supervision of divers through windows.

Download datasheet from here:

Pool datasheet

Subsea Testareas

NUI has established three Subsea test areas in the Close vicinity to the Hyperbaric Reception Facility in Gravdal.

The three test areas has the following dimensions:

  • Concrete plattform 20 m (Geopositioned for Acoustic testing)
  • 300 m² 90 m depth
  • 900 m² 20 m depth (quay side)

Subsea Well

In the Onarheimsfjord, South of Bergen, NUI has established a subsea well for testing and verification of light intervention equipment.

The well in drilled at 115m dept, and is 298m deep. Both wellhead and the steel casing is pressure tested to 5000PSI