Target groups are Project engineers, Marine crew, ROV personnel, Managers, Client reps, HSEQ personnel, Planners, Engineers, Buyers and other interested persons?that might benefit from knowledge about the advantages and limitations of diving as an intervention method used offshore.
Day 1
0900-1000: Principles of diving and diving history
1000-1100: Dive theory and physiology
1100-1200: Equipment & chambers
1200-1300: Lunch
Team A
1300-1400: Inspection of personal diving equipment (pool)
1400-1600: Dive in pool
1600-1700: Inspection of chambers, control room and equipment
1700-1900: Dive to 1,3 atm. in chamber
Team B
1300-1400: Inspection of chambers, control room and equipment
1400-1600: Dive to 1,3 atm. in chamber
1600-1700: Inspection of personal diving equipment (pool)
1700-1900: Dive in pool
1900-2400: Overnight stay in chamber
Day 2 ?
2400-0700: Overnight stay in chamber
0700-0800: Breakfast
0800-0900: Debrief/experiences
0900-1000: Offshore diving, DSV
1000-1100: Legislation and standards
1100-1200: Diving, advantages and limitations
1200-1300: Lunch
1300-1400: Diving, advantages and limitations
1400-1500: Safety, Hyperbaric reception
In addition to the NORSOK standards, this course also touches on standards from ISO, CEN, NS and industry guidelines from IMCA, IOGP, DNV and HSE-UK. We also recommend the Webinar about NORSOK U-100:2023 for those working with commercial offshore diving in Norway. NORSOK U-100:2023 was recently published with significant changes. If both courses are purchased together, there is a bundled price of NOK 2.500 for both courses.
Authorities, Project engineers, Marine crew, ROV personnel, Managers, Client reps, HSEQ personnel, Planners, Engineers, Buyers and other personnel requiring knowledge about the Norwegian regulations relevant for Subsea Operations and Manned Underwater Operations.
Please contact NUI for furter information:
NUI will host a series of three independent session webinars from time to time to present on standardisation with emphasis on NORSOK and diving standards. This can be tailored for one company or open sessions. The webinars will be presented in English language and you will need access to a computer with audio/video and internet to access the webinar.
If no dates are announced, please contact NUI for a schedule for the next webinar by sending an email to When the next webinar is set you will receive a login-link from NUI to attend the courses.
Norwegian legislation states the premises for safe operations in the Norwegian petroleum industry. The NORSOK standards, together with other recognized industry standards defines the operational requirements for procedures, personnel, equipment and systems. All companies and personnel working towards the Norwegian offshore marked needs a basic understanding regarding relevant legislations and standards and how this requirements might have impact on the work scope.
In addition to the NORSOK standards, this course also include related standards from ISO, CEN, NS and industry guidelines from IMCA, IOGP, DNV and NOROG. The webinar will have a presentation going over three sessions one hour each. We would recommend to attend all three sessions for full advantage.
Authorities, Project engineers, Marine crew, ROV personnel, Managers, Client reps, HSEQ personnel, Planners, Engineers, Buyers and other interested persons that might benefit from knowledge about the Norwegian regulations relevant for Subsea Operations and Manned Underwater Operations.
Please contact NUI for furter information:
@ 10:00–11:00 (Europe Summer Time, GMT+02:00)
April 2020
23rd | |
29th | |
30th |
NORSOK U-103 pålegger bruk av NDBT ved petroleumsrelatert dykking innaskjærs. Forskrift om utførelse av arbeid §26-28 pålegger bruk av «anerkjente tabeller».
Selv om de grunnleggende prinsippene for planlegging og gjennomføring av dykk er beholdt, så er det gjort så store forandringer i tabellen at det vil kreve en del innsats å sette seg inn i dette på egenhånd. Kurset vil derfor lette overgangen til ny tabell og spare den enkelte for mye arbeid, samtidig som muligheter for feilbruk og misforståelser reduseres.
Kurset vil gi deltagerne praktisk erfaring i å planlegge dykk iht de nye tabellen. Hovedtema vil være:
Målgruppen for webinaret er alle brukere av NDBT – både dykkere, dykkeledere, HMS-ansvarlige og myndigheter.
Webinaret vil bli kjørt jevnlig, så vennligst ta kontakt for nyeste tidsplan.
Dersom det er av interesse kan vi også tilby bedriftsinterne kurs.
For mer informasjon og påmelding, send en mail til
Cardiac arrest can strike anyone regardless of age and gender. Cardiac arrest occurs suddenly and without warning, and over 3,000 people die from pre hospital cardiac arrest in Norway each year. Immediate access to an AED can increase the chance of survival significantly.
Duration: 4 hours.
Maximum of 10 participants per course.
The course consists of theoretical and practical training.
This course can be held in Norwegian or English.
You choose the scope of the course or/and exercise. Relevant scenarios may be but not limited to:
NUI is delivering open and company specific courses. We deliver courses within the following subjects: